in this dying America that has lost its cotton picking MIND, i’m riffing off ¡EL GATO!, to call us neo-niggers the term “LOS UNGOVERNABLES” in my cartoon stories about us on things i make. i’m in mordor san francisco as ¡EL GATO! calls San Francisco, or as i call it, jonestown tuskeegee. so i’m working on my pitch for an underground countercultural “logo” or symbol so that some of us may find each other with the word as we build a parallel economy or system. these fonts make the end of America seem like a morbidly bad tv show sci fi drive-in movie we’re forced to live through. so i’m going to run along side our current living story and illustrate it with us Ungovernables as a spread apart gang trying to rediscover each other in Real Life while all the boring people are still dating and socializing entirely online. here’s my contribution to our story headings so far… and sorry about my chunky clumsy writing… i’ve been doing art stuff so all i can do is grunt. enjoy so far…–erika