i have so much more energy than i did before the FED dropped rates for rich folks to buy up the rest of our stuff and rent it back to us with more publicly traded brutal bloodthirsty REITs. / the world finally reflects what i thought we oughta’ be seeing.
and now that ” the biden/obama death blow part 2″ is apparently the democratic choice and casinos are asking for bailouts, and all real estate will be even more expensive to buy or rent, we are most definitely on our own.
this is my reaction. to try and collaborate on new business ways now that most of us seem to be gig workers. like the trainers that FitnessSF has already cut their pay on, now that FitnessSF has bought up the rest of the gyms.
people weren’t wanting to change anything before. they figured if they worked harder and harder they’d make it. / now i think people will get we’re holding on to the edge of the toilet with butter on our fingers and know better….
or not. all i can do is go into my own world for now to make it real…
good luck, people.